Monday, September 9, 2024

How Vedmarg ERP Helps in Udise+ Student Module Data Updation?

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Shani Deshwal
Shani Deshwal is tech blogger and journalist by passion with an experience of 7 years in the industry. He is very always ready to find new things to learn and R&D to produce something new and interesting.

Updating data in Udise+ with Vedmarg ERP is simple and easy. In this article, we will tell you about how Vedmarg ERP helps in data updation in the Udise+ Student Module in simple steps.

How Vedmarg ERP Helps in Udise+ Student Module Data UpdationWhat is Vedmarg School ERP Software?

Vedmarg ERP is the best school management software that aims at bringing ease and simplifying the routine tasks and activities of an educational institution. It comes with a pack of 80+ powerful modules that help in carrying out school operations. 

Some Topmost Modules of Vedmarg ERP are:

  • Fee Collection: A payment gateway is integrated into the software that facilitates securely performing the transaction. 
  • Admission Management: The manual admission management process is extremely tedious. With Vedmarg school ERP software, the student can fill out the admission form online, which will be submitted to the school admission panel.  
  • Attendance Tracking: It tracks down the daily attendance of teachers and students. 
  • Marksheet Generation: It offers 5 mark sheet templates to institutions which they can choose accordingly. 
  • Communication Tools like In-app Notifications & SMS: Communication is the basic ingredient of success for any organization. The in-built communication tools of Vedmarg nourish seamless communication among the stakeholders.
  • Teacher & Staff Management: It collects the information of teachers and staff members. The admin can access the information at any time through a centralized platform. 
  • Student Information Management: It stores the personal as well as academic details of the students.  

These are just a few crucial modules of the Vedmarg school software. The list of such modules is too long. 

What is the Udise+ Student Module (UdisePlus)?

Udise+ is an education portal that stands for ‘Unified District Information System for Education Plus’. It lies under the belt of the Central Government of India and is managed by the Department of School Education and Literacy under the Ministry of Education. 

Udise+ Student Module gathers data from all the schools operating across India. Be it a private school, government school, or any school that is being run by a charitable organization, it stores accurate & comprehensive information about the institution. It covers parameters such as the area of land upon which the school is built, amenities provided by the school authorities, infrastructure, details of teachers, number of students studying in school and their details, etc. 

Key Features & Functionalities of Udise+ are: 

  1. Student Personal Details & Academic Performance
  2. Student Attendance
  3. Transfer of Students
  4. Reporting & Analysis, etc. 

Data Updation in Udise+ Student Module with Vedmarg ERP

You need to follow the below-mentioned steps to update the data in the Udise+ module with Vedmarg ERP:

Note: Click on the following link for the comprehensive guide to set up your school account on Vedmarg ERP. Here is the link: Complete Guide to Import Data from Udise+ Portal to Vedmarg ERP. 

Step 1: Visit the Vedmarg ERP dashboard at:

Step 2: Enter your credentials to authenticate the login process. 

Step 3: Go to the ‘Student’ module, and Click on ‘All Students’ in the life-side menu bar. 

Note: You can apply some filters to fetch the data that you wish for. 

Step 4: Click on the ‘Export Students’ button once you are done with the filters. It will give you 2 options (Excel/PDF) to download the sheet in your desired format. Select the ‘Excel’ option to download the data into the Excel sheet. 

Step 5: Once the sheet has been downloaded, you can import the sheet into the Udise+ Student Module in just a few seconds. 

Pro Tip: You don’t have to update the data in the Uside+ portal manually. Vedmarg ERP will do this job for you. 

This is how you can perform data updation activity in the Udise+ student module with the help in help Vedmarg ERP following the simple process.

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